Monday, March 31, 2008


I was going through some older photos that were taken a little over a year ago and found this one of me, Lindsay and Theo, when Theo and Matt were visiting for a few days. We enjoyed having them so much. We miss them when they are so far away.

Times surely have changed over the decades. Long ago, when couples got married, they often lived very close to their parents and grandparents. Families saw each other frequently, because they lived so close. It is rare that this occurs today. The crucial need for sound employment takes families wherever they must go, often to different parts of the country. When I grew up, all of my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandmother lives within the small radius of one town, so visiting them was a weekly occurrence. I think I might have been one of the first to leave our area in Northeastern Ohio. I have to say that I really do miss the closeness that I had with my extended family.

Thank goodness for technology, though. Things like blogsites and cell phones help keep us linked to those we love. Before cell phones, I remember being on such a tight budget that I could only call my parents once a week, and still had to watch the minutes. Now, I talk to my mother almost every day. Both she and I are so grateful for that!

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